Let It Be!!!!

I like to think I am a caring person. But this, this is one thing I just do not care about. You can tell me about it a million times over, and again I will look you in the eye and say, I do not care. I cannot count the times I’ve been walking down the street with someone when all conversation stops for a clear and decisive moment of judgment. 
A moment of all the- choices-I-have-ever-made-are-far-better-than-the-choices-that-this-unknown-person-is-making-today. A young woman with gaping big ear gauges may walk past, an obese older man needing assistance shuffles by, someone’s body is covered in tattoos, a mother feeding a toddler non-organic ice cream before lunch, someone speaking too loudly, an unflattering skirt, top, shoes, hair tie, someone too short, tall or even a little too mousy. 
“oh, if only he would”, “I have no idea why anyone would….” …”did you see…?”
For some strange reason, they seem to think I care what their opinion is. For some strange reason, people think their opinion about someone else is right. That they are living the right way, making the right choices and doing this living thing correctly.
Most people are just having a go at this whole living thing. Trying stuff out, doing their best, taking a chance and seeing what works to make them feel alive. They may be happy, they may be screwing it all up big time. If their living doesn’t fit with your living, have a chat with them and hear their story. If you don’t want to, then cross the road and go on your merry way. If their living scares you a little, threatens you, challenges you- oh I don’t know…..maybe take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and ask yourself why. What made me happy yesterday may not today, I am complicated, but that’s just me, and quite possibly you too.
Now, I’m no angel. Lest those who judge others be ………whatever……….let’s just say, I have my own fair share of opinions about people. But, I have found over the years the less I voice these opinions the less I think about other people's choices. And now, I just really honestly don’t care what other people do, or how other people look.
And more to the point, I don’t care what you think about other people. The only thing I do care about is what you think about yourself. About how you feel about the way you are living your life, and I hope you go a damn site easier on yourself than you do on others. This world could use a little more compassion and starting with ourselves is as good a place as any
Either way, your life, your choice and I promise I simply won’t care. After all, having all those opinions about other people is  exhausting! I may or may not be speaking words of wisdom, but I say, let it be.


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