Words have the POWER

Words hurt. Critical, condescending words bury deep inside children and haunt them for years, if not life. I don’t know how serious my runaway thoughts were when I was a teenager, but I certainly had some dark years.
My school experience left me with two conflicting and lingering thoughts.
  1. No one is going to tell me what I can and can’t do with my life. I had to overcome many barriers to become a public speaker. 
  2. Words are powerful. We ALL have a heavy responsibility in the way we speak to kids; parents, teachers, all adults alike. We can either encourage kids to claim their power and live their true life, or we can keep therapists busy helping people overcome damaging words from the past.
Thich Nhat Hanh offers this awesome statement about using loving words:
Aware that words can create suffering or happiness, I am committed to speaking truthfully and constructively, using only words that inspire hope and confidence.
Ask yourself some pointed questions before speaking:
  • Are my thoughts kind?
  • Will these words build the other person up or discourage them?
  • Will my words make the world a more loving place?

If the answer to any of these questions is no, then silence is a better option.
Words have the power of life and death. Choose life. Choose love. Choose encouragement.


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