This is Life

This is it. Smell it, listen to it, feel it. This is life, happening all around you. The gentle sounds that fill the air, the aromas and energies that fill your senses. Inhale it all. Immerse yourself in this moment like salt in an immense ocean; when you are fully present, time and space dissolve into one taste of RIGHT NOW. If you are carrying heavy burdens and anxiety, pause and take in the moment. It demands nothing of you, but your presence. If you are troubled and lonely, stop and breath. You are safe in this moment. Your worries may or may not come to pass, but right now you are okay.
Watch your convictions. They shape your thoughts.
Watch your thoughts: They shape your words.
Watch your words: They shape your actions.
Watch your actions: They shape your habits.
Watch your habits: They shape your character.
Watch your character: It shapes your destiny.

As if the present moment does not contain enough beauty of its own, we so often engage in mental time travel. We travel back in time, at least our mind’s best effort to reconstruct the past. It’s like living life through the rear view mirror. The problem with living life through the rear view mirror is that objects (and memories) appear larger than they really are. Situations that were challenging in the past might not be so challenging now that you have more courage and wisdom. Your fear that the hurts of the past will repeat is disproportionate compared to your ever expanding ability to deal with life as it emerges. 
Stop judging yourself for who you used to be or expecting yourself to be ten years wiser than you are now.

The past is what it is, and what your memory makes of it. You make the future perfect by living fully in the present.The point here is, “live your life in the perfect, present tense.” When you do, it tends NOT to be tense. You lack nothing in this moment. You need nothing in this moment. All is perfect right now. Sometimes it takes a young child to remind us to stay awake to the moment. 


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