First in Hamk , be happy!!!!

There's something about Finland that makes it a top-notch destination for international students due to its standard of education since is ranked among the best, also you have freedom in your academics plus most of the higher education institutions place student first they offer support when one needs it. Finland has been regularly named as one of the safest countries and recently also the happiest country by UN report but I will reserve my comment there. Finn's value privacy, security, and peace so it makes it an ideal country for someone who is looking for such especially the security is one of the things I really cherish here since I do travel and some of my experiences are not that good. Also, Finland is very known for its nature there is a lot of lakes, forest and during the summer season, one can find berries, mushrooms just by picking them in the forest. don't forget Finland is the home of Santa Claus. Now let's talk about my school HAMK university...