
First in Hamk , be happy!!!!

There's something about Finland that makes it a top-notch destination for international students due to its standard of education since is ranked among the best, also you have freedom in your academics plus most of the higher education institutions place student first they offer support when one needs it. Finland has been regularly named as one of the safest countries and recently also the happiest country by UN report but I will reserve my comment there. Finn's value privacy, security, and peace so it makes it an ideal country for someone who is looking for such especially the security is one of the things I really cherish here since I do travel and some of my experiences are not that good. Also, Finland is very known for its nature there is a lot of lakes, forest and during the summer season, one can find berries, mushrooms just by picking them in the forest. don't forget Finland is the home of Santa Claus. Now let's talk about my school HAMK university...

Memories & regrets

Some things are easy to erase; like words in a document, or a piece of paper that you burn. But haunting memories and lingering regrets are much more stubborn. There are things that happened in the past and no matter how hard you shake your head you can’t undo them and the memory remains. There are regrets; things you knew you could do but didn’t, and things you wish you didn’t do but did. Regret is a stubborn stain, annoying like nails on a chalkboard, infiltrating your memory like a dripping tap. I wish that no one had to live with regrets, but suspect that we ALL do to some extent. Regrets come in all shapes and sizes.  As the playwright Arthur Miller said" Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets. Times of major change, health crises and near death experiences are some of the times we tend to reflect on life, realise times in the past when we were neglectful of our priorities and commit to living differently. These are the 5 most common re...


I like to think I am a caring person. But this, this is one thing i just do not care about. You can tell me about it a million times over, and again I will look you in the eye and say, I do not care.  For some strange reason people seem to think I care what their opinion is. For some strange reason, people think their opinion about someone else is right. That they are living the right way, making the right choices and doing this living thing correctly. Wake up call- you’re probably making choices they wouldn’t make Wake up call- you don’t know jack shit about the obese man, the girl with the tattoo or the single parent. Most people are just having a go at this whole living thing. Trying stuff out, doing their best, taking a chance and seeing what works to make them feel alive. They may be happy, they may be screwing it all up big time. If their living doesn’t fit with your living, have a chat with them and hear their story. If you don’t want to, then cross the road and go on yo...

Peace prevails

I understand that to be truly strong you find a path you walk along  and try to always be receptive to  people you meet and how you feel No one understands the troubles you facing, another at their hour of need we all profess a creed, but what do we do to show that we are true? We can show our charity, to those  who go without, we can open our  hearts to see what others are about  ways we give makes us stand  proudly, in the end, learning to better what others  despise makes us become what we prize as evil is lessened we all win, Peace prevails and evil grows dim. No one knows how dear this time is now I've won it's often said no one knows it all, but when do we know enough? can we get by, do others know our love?   Perhaps, what we need is simply to be wise in our own affairs and if that gets done, I t's an accomplish we've won.

Happy St. Valentine Day

Is been awhile since I have been here to share my thoughts since is valentine Day I decided to share  a little something about what we all are craving for and the most important thing in the world as said in the Bible and other religions "LOVE " Assess YOURSELF LOVE VRS INFATUATION To those in love/relationship What is love? Love is a state of perpetual anesthesia, is a Feeling you feel when you feel you are going to get a Feeling you never felt before. INFATUATION means foolish, extravagant, all-absorbing passion, irrational desires and blind love. Love is not about sex nor slavery but a strong feelings of understanding, trust and faithfulness. Biblical love 1) EPITHYMIA It means a strong physical desire someone will have for you as results in sexual intercourse. 2) EROS  it means devoted to or arousing sexual desires. 3) PHILEO It means friendship love because thought, attitudes, experiences, Feelings and dreams are shared. 4) AGAPE (Unconditi...

Let It Be!!!!

I like to think I am a caring person. But this, this is one thing I just do not care about. You can tell me about it a million times over, and again I will look you in the eye and say, I do not care.  I cannot count the times I’ve been  walking down the street with someone when all conversation stops for a clear and decisive moment of judgment.  A moment of all the - choices-I-have-ever-made-are-far-better-than-the-choices-that-this-unknown-person-is-making-today . A young woman with gaping big ear gauges may walk past, an obese older man needing assistance shuffles by, someone’s body is covered in tattoos, a mother feeding a toddler non-organic ice cream before lunch, someone speaking too loudly, an unflattering skirt, top, shoes, hair tie, someone too short, tall or even a little too mousy.  “oh, if only he would”, “I have no idea why anyone would….” …”did you see…?” For some strange reason, they seem to think I care what their opinion is. For some strange rea...


1. I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.  2. I wish I didn’t work so hard. 3. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings. 4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends and family all the time. 5. I wish that I had let myself be happier. It’s a powerful list. Point 5 is fascinating. I wish I LET myself be happier. Happiness is partly a choice to accept what you can’t control and take control of what you can. You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can always control your response to what happens to you. This sense of power and freedom to choose is the basis for happiness. It has become a bit of a clichĂ© to say that you should live ONLY in the present. Any mention of the past is looked down on. From one perspective this is true. This is the only moment that exists, the only opportunity you have to make empowering choices. The problem is that our relationship with the past is mostly unconsc...