
Showing posts from July, 2014

Have i chosen the right Path?

Sometime i wonder what this life has to really  offer us, not to discriminate any religion for the free will God has given us makes it very difficult for one who has just been born into this new world to ask which religion is the best one for him/her to follow. As i wondered a voice said to me you are free to choose the one which suits you in reality why don't you put your spiritual meter to test try as much religion you can; i started my search i accepted many religion as he instructed me to but at the end i found peace at one place with him the Maker (God).  Many Christians have been discouraged cause they think they are serving a dead God, if only they can take the courage i did to search for the right religion for me. You may not see him but he is always with us, i felt lonely when i was worshiping other gods, i asked myself why many people are blinded with their religion thinking is the best for me i think he should have made it a must so all of this mess and darkness ...


"What are your choices? Whom are your choices for? Not just for yourself.  Chose now whom you will serve, and that choice is going to affect the next generation, and the next generation, and the next. Choice never affects just one person alone.  It goes on and on and the effect goes out into geography and history. You are part of history and your choices become part of history."


Stay flexible and you will not be bent out of shape. Keep an open mind and you will move to the mood of the moment. Be adaptable and you will stretch your expectations to fit the contours of reality. Pirouette with change and you will do back bends over anxiety. You have the grace and inner poise to deal with anything.


When a new day begins,  dare to smile gratefully . When there is darkness,  dare to be the first to shine a light . When there is injustice,  dare to be the first to condemn it . When something seems difficult,  dare to do it anyway . When life seems to beat you down,  dare to fight back . When there seems to be no hope,  dare to find some . When you’re feeling tired,  dare to keep going . When times are tough,  dare to be tougher . When love hurts you,  dare to love again . When someone is hurting,  dare to help them heal . When another is lost,  dare to help them find the way . When a friend falls,  dare to be the first to extend a hand . When you cross paths with another,  dare to make them smile . When you feel great,  dare to help someone else feel great too . When the day has ended,  dare to feel as you've done your best. Dare to be the best you can – At all times,...