
Showing posts from 2014

Lets learn to Love Unconditionally in 2015... HAPPY NEW YEAR

Unconditional love  is loving without limitations, conditions or reservations. It is based on an attitude of complete acceptance which means  you decide to love other people - and yourself too, of course - by being happy with them just as they are, without needing to change them in any way , allowing them to grow, to be all that they want to be for themselves, even if this does not include you or fit with your plans. This is the ultimate focus of all our work, at the very centre of everything, if you can truly love and accept yourself, then your life experience has no limits. When we were babies, we knew unconditional love, but over time, as we grow up our thoughts become conditioned by the world around us. We learn the behaviours that work to survive, we learn whether we are good or bad, what is acceptable and what is not.  Deep down don't we all crave this love? Though it often feels lost to us. So often we seek or demand love from others, but are complet...

Forgive everyone, My Christmas Gift to Y'all...

Some people hold onto their anger, refusing to forgive or let go.  They will never move on until they do.  In fact quite the reverse, by allowing such emotions to ferment inside, they grow and can become all consuming, their whole life becoming defined by whatever the event was. They are no longer in control of their life or living the life they want. They are living a life that is directed by their anger and hurt. How our lives are, is often a reflection of our reactions to the ups and downs of life. If we choose to accept the good and release the bad, we are able to maintain control over our lives and keep our sense of direction. If however we  focus on the bad things that have happened to us then these will simply grow, continually manifesting our own dark thoughts and divert us from seeking what we really want. If you or your life is " stuck ", then it is well worth looking back to see if there is anything unforgiving in your past. Remember to forgive everyo...

Take Action!!!!

“There is a difference between wanting something and being ready to receive it.” Everyone wants money. Everyone wants to be happy and everyone wants to meet their perfect soul mate. The reason people don’t get what they want is because they either don’t know how to ask for it or, more importantly, they don’t truly believe they’ll receive it or they are too scared to go for it. Absolute faith only comes when you erase doubt by becoming  actively involved  in the pursuit of what you want. This means taking action, and the more action you take towards getting what you want, the better prepared you’ll be for responding to the universe, your subconscious or to your higher power, when you’re presented with opportunities to get what you want. Belief cannot be built through spoken affirmation alone, you must also invest energy towards getting what you want by taking action on your plan for achieving what you want. Physical energy is a huge faith builder, and even; The book of...

I have it All......!!!!

I have it all. I have a soon to be husband and ex-lovers. A house,  a debt and a dog that is too cute for it’s own good in my head. I have long friendships, caring parents, loving family members, and a pantry full of food. I have vacations, clothing and an education. I have the seasons, the daylight and sleep. I have the here and now and the possibility of tomorrow. I have gardens and oceans. I have every colour and every sound in all the earth. I can reach for the horizon or just put one foot forward. I have fear and pain both deep and frightening. Doubt that freezes me in place, and bad circulation. I have control issues, environmental issues, and parent issues. I have anger, am irritated and skeptical. I have grief, loss and pits full of loneliness. I have complete clarity, and utter disbelief. I have the freedom to question and the safety to just be. I have the luxury to explore, myself. I have nowhere to be and everywhere to go. I have space to run and shadows ...

Being Open and Trusting

The first time someone shows you who they are, believe them. by MAYA ANGELOU  Its a hard lesson to learn. We want to be trusting and forgiving, but end up suffering when we see the signs but refuse to follow them. Most of us have at least one relationship we can look back on and in hindsight we can pinpoint the exact moments when people revealed their true character. Whether out of generosity or naivety, we ignore the signs. I sometimes wonder how different life would have been if I’d believed him/ her the first time he/she showed me who he/she was. I've been schooled in this lesson several times in my life. I’m setting the intention to start believing people when they tell me who they are. I still want to allow plenty of room for second chances. I've needed enough of them myself. But where’s the line between second chances and being naive?  Maybe its in the distinction between making mistakes because we’re confused about who we are, and locking into a habitual way ...

Worry Less!!!!

We could do with less worry, and more genuine care. Worry is a misuse of care, a projection of fear. Worry is so often a projection. I’m worried about YOU because I have doubts about MYSELF. It seems so clear when its put like that, but in the heat of the moment worry convinces us that its pure concern. Worry is usually based on speculation about what might happen in the future, maybe based on what happened in the past. It doesn't make it true. In truth, another person’s choice might be exactly right for them, even if it wouldn't be right for you.  Love people enough to trust them. Trust may be the ultimate expression of love.  Trust people to know what’s right for them, and keep your worries to yourself. Concern is a gift when its expressed well, a curse when expressed as self doubting worry. As a gift, we can say to each other, “Honestly, I’m concerned. I SO want you to be well, to succeed, to thrive and I totally believe in you.  BEFORE you express anythi...

Gratitude & Gratefulness

The essence of all love, is gratitude.  So we must celebrate gratitude, it deserves the highest holiday.  Thank you, world; thank you, mom and dad; thank you teacher; thank you fruit tree; thank you friends; thank you stranger, thank you Life.  How can one say I love you if one can not first say thank you? Impossible. Revenge is profitable, gratitude is expensive. The best things in life aren't material "things". They are moments, feelings, lessons, faith, emotions, discoveries, and truths. This one of my favorite song Lyrics dedicated to my one and only half (K.M) Rita Ora - Grateful  I'm grateful for the storm Made me appreciate the sun I'm grateful for the wrong ones Made me appreciate the right ones I'm grateful for the pain For everything that made me break I'm thankful for all my scars 'Cause they only made my heart strong  I was thinking I was trying to end out From all the pain that was weighing me down I pulled it together and...

Mistakes Help Us.....

We may love the wrong person and cry about the wrong things, but no matter how things go wrong, one thing is for sure,  mistakes help us find the person and things that are right for us.  We all make mistakes, have struggles, and even regret things in our past. But you are not your mistakes, you are not your struggles, and you are here NOW with the power to shape your day and your future.  Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for a moment that is yet to come.  The most important thing for you to know is that it is impossible to feel bad and at the same time be having good thoughts. That would defy the law, because your thoughts cause your feelings. If you are feeling bad, it is because you are thinking thoughts that are making you feel bad.  

Marriage is a School

MARRIAGE is a School where YOU get the Certificate before YOU start. A school where you will never graduate, ... A school without a break or a free period, A school where no one is allowed to drop out, A school which you will have to attend every day of your life, A school where there is no sick leave or holidays. A school founded by God: 1.On the foundation of love, 2.The walls are made out of trust, 3.The door made out of acceptance, 4.The windows made out of understanding 5.The furniture made out of blessings 6.The roof made out of faith Before you forget, you are just a student not the principal, God is the Principal Even in times of storms, don't be unwise and run outside, remember this school is the safest place to be. Never go to sleep before completing your assignments for the day Never forget the C-word, Communicate, communicate, communicate to your classmate and to the Principal To be loved is a good thing, but to love is a greatest privilege of t...

Keep your promises and tell the truth.

Keep your promises and tell the truth. – If you say you’re going to do something, DO IT! If you say you’re going to be somewhere, BE THERE! If you say you feel something, MEAN IT! If you can’t, won’t, and don’t, then DON’T LIE . It’s always better to tell people the truth up front.   Don’t play games with people’s heads and hearts. Don't  tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out; half-truths are no better than lies. Remember, love and friendship don't hurt . Lying, cheating and screwing with people’s feelings and emotions hurts. "Never mess with someone’s feelings just because you're unsure of yours. Always be open and honest."

We've all made mistakes

" At some point, we've all made mistakes, been walked on, used and forgotten." We've let people take advantage of us, and we've accepted way less than we deserve. But we shouldn't regret one moment of it, because in those moments we've learned a lot from our bad choices. We've learned who we can trust and who we can’t. We've learned the meaning of friendship. We've learned how to tell when people are lying and when they’re sincere. We've learned how to be ourselves, and appreciate the truly great people and things in our lives as they arrive. And even though there are some things we can never recover and people who will never be sorry, we now know better for next time." 

Quit blaming others and making excuses.

Stop blaming others for what you have or don’t have, or for what you feel or don’t feel. When you blame others for what you’re going through, you deny responsibility and perpetuate the problem. Stop giving your power away and start taking responsibility for your life. Blaming is just another sorry excuse, and making excuses is the first step towards failure; you and only you are responsible for your life choices and decisions.


Be patient. All of us are doing our best to stand up and reach our full potential. Take every chance to whisper words of encouragement, especially to those who are faltering. Life is not a competition. It’s an opportunity to feel the joy of seeing others thrive, and using your words to raise them up.

Find Time & Thank People

We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives. It’s almost a pity to wait until Thanksgiving or Christmas , like it’s a pity to wait until someone dies to write a eulogy for them, and it’s a missed opportunity to wait for someone to leave before telling them how much they mean to you. It’s like buying someone a gift, wrapping it up nicely and leaving it hidden in a closet. You have to get it out, express it, give people a chance to unwrap the gift. How powerful to express things while we have the chance!  Some things are easier to be grateful for than others. Being grateful for my family is easy; they are easy to love and appreciate. Being grateful to the people who have inspired me to live my dreams is easy.  People that live bold, authentic lives are inspirational, and I find it easy to be grateful for them. But what about the haters and doubters? People who are like a shiver looking for a spine to run up are hard to be grateful for. A...

At all times, Dare to be!

When a new day begins,  dare to smile gratefully . When there is darkness,  dare to be the first to shine a light . When there is injustice,  dare to be the first to condemn it . When something seems difficult,  dare to do it anyway . When life seems to beat you down,  dare to fight back . When there seems to be no hope,  dare to find some . When you’re feeling tired,  dare to keep going . When times are tough,  dare to be tougher . When love hurts you,  dare to love again . When someone is hurting,  dare to help them heal . When another is lost,  dare to help them find the way . When a friend falls,  dare to be the first to extend a hand . When you cross paths with another,  dare to make them smile . When you feel great,  dare to help someone else feel great too . When the day has ended,  dare to feel as you've done your best. Dare to be the best you can – At all time...

Claim your Power

The rising sun is a daily reminder that you CAN start over and rise above anything. The past may feel tense, and you may wish the future to be perfect. But they are just mirror images of your fear. This moment now is new and real, and YOU choose what you make of it. You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain. There is always more to come. You always have more power and options than you realize. Claim your power. Write the script for your life. Be the lead actor in your life.

There are risks involved.

Maybe you feel jaded because your trust has been betrayed and you have built high walls of protection around your heart. That's understandable. Life can be harsh, and people can be cruel. Now you have a choice. You can either let the betrayal define you and become closed and bitter, or you can rise above the hurt and become even more determined to do whatever you can to create a world of unconditional love. Trust without any guarantee that your trust will be respected. Love without any guarantee that your love will be returned. Be kind without any guarantee that your kindness will be appreciated. This is the dance of authenticity, the risk that being completely yourself will open you to the most satisfying of all relationships. Learning to trust an unpredictable world changes your whole outlook on life. It makes the world a more open, inviting and friendly place. Don’t give your trust recklessly. Give your trust mindfully; aware that there are no guarantees and there is always t...


On the edge..... There will be moments when the only thing left is for you to question your existence. Life can be so damned hard for each of us. There are always days when we get so lonely and depressed. When we cry. When the world has lost its colors. When the rest of the world is happy and you are not.  There will be times when we lose all reasons for living; and problems will seem so hard that we wish there was no such thing as tomorrow.  But then again, we should also know, that they are just another bitterness in life trying to twist the personage in each of us; and corrupt our perceptions about life. When these times happen, do not succumb to the temptation of giving up. Yes, to live is to suffer and the only way to be happy is to suffer willingly. Often, the worst of times yields the best lessons in life. We have to go on in life's extremes. We don't have to give up. As the famous poet and  philosopher Kahlil Gibran said, "When you are sorrowful, loo...

I have Learned...............

SOME STORIES I GOT OUT OF MY INSPIRATIONAL AND MOTIVATIONAL BOOKS AND I LIKE TO SHARE IT WITH YOU ALL....ENJOY!!!! I’ve learned- that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them. I’ve learned- that no matter how much I care, some people just don’t care back. I’ve learned- that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it. I’ve learned- that no matter how good a friend is, they’re going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that. I’ve learned- that it’s not  what  you have in your life but  who  you have in your life that counts. I’ve learned- that you should never ruin an apology with an excuse. I’ve learned- that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you’d better know something. I’ve learned- that you shouldn’t compare yourself to the best others can do. I’ve learned- that you can do something in an i...

It's time to let go ...... (It will be OK )

Whether you are scarred by love, jaded by religion or beaten by circumstance, there comes a time to say “Enough!” and move on. You aren't serving yourself or changing anyone else by holding on to anger. Rights and wrongs are beside the point now. It’s time to let go , let the past be what it was and move on. You can’t change what happened, but you CAN change what you are making it mean. You can change the story you tell yourself. One of my favorite children’s stories is Grandpa’s Slippers. Grandma thinks it’s time to throw out Grandpa’s tattered old slippers, but every time she throws then out, he finds them because he loves his old slippers. Grandma is right of course. The time has come for a new pair of slippers. But on the other hand, Grandpa has to make his own choices about when to move on. It’s a bit the same with this article. Forgive me ferreting through the closet of your personal story. If, for whatever reason, you’re not inclined to move on then by all means stop ...